How To Use The Chinese Gender Calendar

According to legend, the Chinese gender calendar was found in an ancient tomb some 700 to 900 years ago. Since then it has been used as a tool to predict the gender of a child before birth. There is no guarantee that this calendar will work consistently for every couple expecting children. 

Despite this uncertainty and the existence of ultrasound technology, the couple still seems to enjoy using the Chinese gender calendar before welcoming their little bundle of joy. You can also look for the Chinese calendar online by visiting https:/

Gender Prediction

Image Source: Google

Chinese calendar versus Gregorian calendar

Unlike the Gregorian calendar we use today, the Chinese calendar followed the lunar cycle, not the solar cycle. However, using the conversion table becomes confusing for those who are not familiar with Chinese knowledge.

What does the Chinese gender calendar look like?

We all know that the Chinese celebrate the New Year in mid-January. So any woman born before this date is one year younger than you according to the calendar.

How to use the Chinese gender calendar

If the woman knows her lunar age, she can manually check the calendar by searching for the month she was carrying the baby and checking it according to her age.

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